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Foundation Analysis And Repair Design
Any crack can concern a homeowner
Let us help you determine if it is something that needs attention
Horizontal Cracks
Horizontal cracks commonly are due to lateral overloading the foundation in which the load is across only a portion of the vertical wall.
Diagonal cracks
Diagonal cracks are commonly due to shear or vertical settlement in foundations. However, they can also be due to horizontal movement. The location and size of these diagonal cracks are signifigant indicators of the source of the crack.
Vertical Cracks
Vertical cracks are commonly due to the full wall being overloaded with lateral thrust. These are often combined with trapezoidal blow outs at girder beams supported by the wall.
When repair is required…
J2.26 Engineering will provide all documentation needed to solicit contractors and permit your foundation repair project. We also provide final inspections and observation letters to allow your